that is,,,if they approve it. i think it might be a little too odd for them...but you never know.
30'' by 13'' on white paper.

5 color silkscreen.
I have to say. I think my color palett is going to greatly improve with this whole computer business. I feel like I fall into a lot of ruts, because I'm deciding on colors as I'm printing them . I ended up changing the order of the layers, and pretty much all the colors that i had originally thought of.
that's it. off to bed.
will post pixx of this poster when it gets printed, and also my U.s. girls tour print that i did last week.
woot woot! and wish me luck throwing together a design tomorrow for my band Gay Beast's show with Shearing Pinx this Saturday. oooh it will be a good one. Gay bEast, Shearing Pinx, Worms in Dirt, and Tender Meat.
if you see this, you should come on down to MXXXXXXA this saturday for the show. NO WAVE FIESTA!
this looks good
fuck illustrator though your colors are always amazing
what should I do differently?
I was thinking about making color waves be profiles of faces. something more defined....i dunno.
should I switch the colors?
Yep, this looks great.
i'm loving the us girls poster
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