While I've been crossing my fingers, hoping that the Wire promoter approves my poster, I realized that i've done nothing to promote my bands show this saturday. Sometimes doing things so quickly, forces you to make simple decisions, and you'll get interesting results. or at least DIFFERENT results....I am trying to diversify the way that I come up with ideas. Here was a 5 minute xerox flyer I did. I grabbed some dark gray paper, grabbed an image of a never-ending sausage from an old catalog, and scrawled some type.
flyer style. Look for a "real" silkscreened poster within the next coupla days.

if you live in minneapolis.. come to this show. it's going to be great!
gay beast,
shearing pinx, tender meat,
worms in dirt...all sexxxxellent bands.
write me for location!
1 comment:
i like this, not sure how i missed it
jesjit e-mailed me potential tour itinerary! i am excited, but cannot drive and have no money, so i have to do some planning/saving first
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