22'' X 30'' 7 color screeenprint.

extrapolated from the dithering technique and drawings from an earlier poster. this one i wanted to get a bit more looose and crazy. and this one turned out to have a good horror film poster vibe, which i'm stoked about.
providence is SO SO SO MUCH FUN! i've been drawing every day, doing stream of conscious abstract stuff, hanging out with tons of friends, having visitors, and taking everything in. I want to live here, or at least have a second home here.
I'm doing a print based on some photos of a menacing leatherdaddy and his dog...more sharpieface and body drawings, a cinder block and hopefully some more really big, many colored prints!
wish me luck.
send us one for the show!! or something, did you get my email about the show and the zine???
yeah. I did. I wrote you back... you didn't get my message? for sure I'll send you one.
oh didnt get yr message, but great! can't wait to see it!
I really like these new more "sketchy" for lack of a better term prints DAn!! miss ya i wanna help you when you get back!
hot stuff, roooomie
bring some back to true home
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